2nd Silk Road Summit Takes Place May 2-3 in Tehran

2nd Silk Road Summit Takes Place May 2-3 in Tehran

The 2nd Silk Road Startup Summit will take place on May 2-3, with Iran’s top 8 startups competing in a pitch competition.

Silk Road Startup is the largest event that introduces Iranian startups to the international community with the aim of connecting the leading innovative organizations in the country, facilitating international relations, providing access to successful global entrepreneurs and attracting international investments.

The Silk Road Startup Road Trip takes place annually in some of the major cities in Iran. In 2017, the team and the judges travelled to 7 cities including Tabriz, Isfahan, Yazd, Tehran, Shiraz, Rasht and Mashahd. Also in 2018 the Road Trip took place in 5 cities of Tehran, Tabriz, Mashahd, Shiraz and Kerman.

The 1st Silk Road Startup started with 400 startups applying for the event, of which 84 startups were accepted for the pitch competition and 16 startups were invited to the finals held on April 18-19 in Kish Island. This year, 280 startups applied for the event, of which 55 startups have been accepted for the competition and 8 startups made it to the finals.

Silk Road Startup’s audience are startup ecosystem activists, investors, and entrepreneurship enthusiasts. This event provides an opportunity for networking and meeting startups, thought provoking speeches and expert panels with national and international leading entrepreneurs.

The 2nd Silk Road Startup finalists are:

  • Paziresh 24: A platform for making doctor appointments/ winner of KermanAlefba: An app for creating tutorials on student textbooks/ winner of Shiraz
  • Fanasa: A smart rehabilitation gadget for Parkinson’s Disease/ winner of Mashahdt
  • Honily: An online platform to buy and sell natural honey/ winner of Tebriz
  • Diaalog: An intelligent virtual agent for answering customer’s questions/ winner of Tehran
  • 3SootJobs: A job search platform/ winner of Tehran
  • InPin: A platform for buying, selling, or renting properties/ winner of Tehran
  • Corridorz: An international rail transport platform/ winner of Tehran

Silk Road Startup provides an opportunity for Iran’s startup ecosystem to teach and share entrepreneurship experiences. This international event is pursuing to introduce the best Iranian startups and provide a platform for growth, networking and online acceleration.

Silk Road Startup Summit takes place on May 2-3 from 10am (reception and entrepreneur’s breakfast from 8:30) to 5pm. During the 2 days of the event, there will be 8 speeches and 7 expert panels in total with 35 speakers including 9 international and 26 national speakers with topics such as: challenges and the future of startups in Iran, future technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, challenges of investment, tourism, human resources in Iran and startups relation with the media.

Silk Road Startup is a non-profit event founded by 8 entrepreneurs and startup community builders, assisted by 100 volunteers.

Check out Silk Road Startup’s website for more information.


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