‘Dagestan Morning’ has been blamed for the anti-Jewish riot at Makhachkala airport The social media and messaging platform Telegram has banned ‘Utro Dagestan’ (Dagestan Morning), a channel with 65,000 subscribers that has been accused of inspiring Sunday’s anti-Semitic riot in Dagestan. Telegram founder Pavel Durov made the announcement on Monday afternoon.
Russian manufacturing may grow significantly this year if industries maintain the current rate of increase, President Vladimir Putin predicted on Thursday. During a meeting with business executives, Putin said that production rose in the first two quarters of this year, and if the trend continues, growth will be 12% in annual terms.
Member states will be urged to curb their energy use, according to a draft seen by Reuters The EU will urge member countries to scale back their demand for gas in order to prepare for potential Russian supply cuts, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing a draft of the proposal.