French fighters killed in Ukraine could have been clandestine weapons specialists, Larry Johnson has said Ukraine is likely experiencing a shortage of soldiers capable of operating complex Western weapons systems, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson has told RT. A Russian report this week about a strike on “French mercenaries” in Kharkov may be a warning…
The once-unlikely deal with the UAE strengthens a nascent regional alliance between West Jerusalem and the Gulf monarchies Israel has sold its Surface-to-air Python and Derby (SPYDER) air defense system to the United Arab Emirates, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing two sources familiar with the deal. A third source claimed Abu Dhabi had also purchased…
Russia said that the target near the port of Odessa was struck by supersonic missiles Russian supersonic Oniks missiles have struck a logistics hub at a military airfield used to supply troops with foreign weapons near the Black Sea port of Odessa, Moscow said on Tuesday.