Russia explains how Black Sea grain deal can be restarted

Moscow has reiterated that it would consider the resumption of Ukrainian exports if the UN delivers on its part of the bargain The now-defunct Black Sea Grain Initiative can still be revived if Moscow receives the sanctions relief that it was promised by the UN in the first place, Yury Ushakov, the foreign policy adviser…

Russian government rejects niqab ban

The measure would violate citizens’ rights and freedom of religion, the cabinet explained The Russian government has rejected an initiative to ban the niqab, a traditional Muslim veil that covers the entire face apart from the eyes, Kommersant reported on Monday, citing a cabinet document.

Russia’s media watchdog bans investigative journalism group

Russia’s internet and media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, has blocked access to the website of the Netherlands-based investigative journalism group Bellingcat, along with 31 other outlets.  According to Roskomsvoboda, an activist group monitoring access restrictions in the Russian segment of the internet, Bellingcat’s page was blocked on Wednesday at the request of Russia’s prosecutor general’s office. The…
