fatalfrag pubg id He spend more then millions of dollars on pubg mobile for achieve 1st biggest inventery of pubg mobile. Fatalfrag joined pubg mobile from season 5 , and he got fam because of his crate opening videos get viral on social media like instagram , tiktok and mostly youtube.
Atro Pubg Id he is netherlands’s Pro pubg mobile player who is now 1st in popularity in pubg mobile , he have biggest inventery ever in pubg mobile , with maxed out glacier gun skins and Premium clothes
btr microboy pubg id Nizar Lugatio Pratama”Microboy” is an Indonesian Professional PUBG Mobile player who is currently playing for Bigetron Esports. BTR Microboy is One Of the Assaulter’s Of BTR Clan, who joined The Clan On 25/08/19. He Playing As a Front Fragger For the team BTR