Officials worry deadly coronavirus in China could spread to U.S.

Officials worry deadly coronavirus in China could spread to U.S.

A dangerous virus is spreading rapidly in China, and U.S. officials are worried it will come to America. China has more than 200 confirmed cases of coronavirus, which produces pneumonia like symptoms. Three people have died from the illness, which has spread to at least three other Asian countries. Ramy Inocencio reports from Wuhan, China, considered Ground Zero for the outbreak.


hazel green says:

No U.S. infection as of yet: CBS and all other media outlets- do not send anymore reporters to areas where active virus is: they could bring it home with them to the U.S.! Put public health before your need to get the scoop firsthand. We will all understand in these situations. Do the right thing!!!

Airik Luna says:

Doctor William Shatner? Yep Donny Diapers broke reality.

Airik Luna says:

Gump will try to use tariffs to stop the spread.

Potter V says:

Africa should be ready and stop flights from china and asia !
Just saying since china is all over especially in africa where
they frequently like to go.

name surname says:

Week 1: Possible war with Iran (Many believing it could be the start of WW3).
Week 2: Volcano erupts in the Philippines which forced many people to leave their homes.
Week 3: Coronavirus outbreak in China.
So much for “Happy New Year”.

atube4view says:


Ronald Romo says:

Then stay wearing those mask lmao

Asef Ali Najafi says:

China will rewriting the bible and Quran ??? keep trying and see worse then this virus… this is just start CHINA

To Be Honest says:

No more flights from this country

WolFy PootisGuy says:

Heard it’s something related to cold disease or gets worse on cold conditions?

Will this have an end in summer?
(Sorry for my terrible English)

Chairman Meow says:

Corona virus???? Daaaaaanng wooot woot!

rtnbjk gbhj says:

China is a good place for evolution of virus

Cody Dew says:

I got the corona virus last thirsty Thursday…

Cody Dew says:

I got the corona virus last thirsty Thursday…

HOO WOO says:

Tomorrow will take high speed train from beijing to hunan, pass wuhan biggest train station, 3M-N95 prepared!

Arch Stanton says:

Rolling for Ebolachan…. c'mon seven!

13orrax says:

killer colds

The minecraft wizard 2010 says:

Also 1920 1820 1420 2020 … plague doctor : it looks like the plague is back on the menu boys

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