Brexit explained: what happens when the UK leaves the EU?

Brexit explained: what happens when the UK leaves the EU?

Here’s our guide to how Brexit will affect you.

The UK is set to officially leave the EU on 29 March 2019. But what happens next?

Economic crash? Restoring British democracy?

From hard Brexit and hard borders, to soft Brexit or the Chequers deal – here’s everything you need to know.


HBXO H says:

I came here because d-low….

Nikki Doten says:

UK: Brexit is a good idea
UK territories: What! We're leaving the EU!? I loved visiting Europe!
Rest of the world: Lets just watch this thing go down.

BC LR says:

Brexit because of the alt right lobsters

xRlly says:

Uhm, what happened with Democracy? I thought Democracy was all about freedom, traveling where u want and living where u want!? Oh it was a lie:(

TheWindyCity says:

What's the point of Brexit leaving the EU if Great Britain still has to pay the EU bills, seems pointless to me.

Emerson Blanca Araman says:

15/11/19 and still nothing been sorted

Anonymus Youtube#user says:

The last we are gonna ask to the futer generation is to finish the brexit deal

Alpha Bravo says:

2020 and still nothing..

Schmitosss says:

I watch this fucking video for school but I understand nothing cause I’m French

β€’{Gracie Quake!}β€’ says:

my dad and i were cracking up at the mini "stop, betrayal" πŸ˜†

Internet Marketing Maps says:

On this day in 1919, the Europeans and Allies signed what was later known as the 'Armistice Day' – A 'Grudge Agreement', which later spurred Germany's Nazi party to seek revenge… If the EU binds the UK up into a 'Grudge Deal' things could become very bitter between the UK and the EU, and potentially fester into a real war in a heartbeat. πŸ‘€πŸ˜ πŸ’ͺ A No Deal (clean break) Brexit is the only way unless you want another 'Europian War', that is. πŸ‘€

Elisabetha Vazhakala says:

I am watching it in November 2019 after they (the EU and UK) had had reached a sort of deal and its failure. It is garbled.

drmnez says:

It's like multiple geographically defined governments being united under a higher government is extremely complex because each of these… States… Have their own concerns.

Jasneet Kaur says:

madem we in november now πŸ˜”πŸ₯Ά

Mebrat L. Abraha says:

If the people desired to separate From EU, must the risk be taken! Anless you people take the risk impossible to achieve what you stand for! Be desition maker & wait for the out come!

Brexit time says:


I'm that bad guy says:

Thank you
You helped me with a essay

Loute 007 says:

Who else is only here to listen to him talking with that accent?
No one? … Just me? OkπŸ˜ŠπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

early bird catches the worm says:

Wrong information,biased against brexit..England as a colonizer for centuries have perfected what a good government is.(after HK,Singapore etc )they know what theyre doing.England was England even before the EU.

early bird catches the worm says:

Brexit can be compared to a woman who came to realization that she should give importance to her own body as a woman instead.Jeremy and others are telling this woman that you are married to 12 husbands and that you bore children from them and you should be used by your husbands anytime they itch and will or else you will starve to death.

max the rarest egg says:

so whos watching
this because they have a project about brexit….

DJARIA says:

eww Brexit sounds terrible it sounds like Britain is going back to the 70's

Herolinda Ramadani says:

Came here for the tea.

christian gonzalez says:

Britan will be Europes daddy in the coming years and they know it. That's why they don't want to carry their problems directly. Their geography sets them up for success.

Hector Andrade says:


Brexit: march 29, 2019

*world ends march 28*😳

Adelphi says:

Basically, it's a shitstorm

Kilyn Collects coins ! says:

Hahahahaha March! It’s f’in October and can continue until January 2020 !!!

Joel Alvarez says:

So confused

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