I find election campaigns in which the Prime Minister addresses scrubbed, smug Tory audiences, filmed by the BBC in close shot to conceal the sparsity of their numbers, deeply disturbing. I find the speeches in factories to employees even more chilling. The sullen compliance of employees, too cowed to show discontent before their bosses, should […]


The vicious jail sentences handed down today by the fascists (I used the word with care and correctly) of the Spanish Supreme Court to the Catalan political prisoners represent a stark symbol of the nadir of liberalism within the EU. That an attempt to organise a democratic vote for the Catalan people in pursuit of […]

Major clothing brand explains why it’s staying in Russia

Companies choosing not to leave the Russian market amid the ongoing offensive in Ukraine are facing backlash Leading Japanese clothing brand Uniqlo will continue to operate in Russia. The owner says Russians have “the same right to live” as other people, as dozens of other international companies are rushing to leave the country in protest…
