Uzbekistan is seriously compelling

Last week when I was in Japan, I met up with an old friend of mine who is a senior executive at one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers. He’s one of the top people in the organization– reports to the CEO, flies around on the corporate jet, the whole nine yards. So he knows […]

Russia can halt offensive right away if Kiev agrees to Moscow’s terms – Kremlin

Kremlin spokesman says Russia wants Ukraine’s neutrality, recognition of Crimea, and independence for Donbass republics Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters on Tuesday that Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine will stop “in a moment” if Kiev meets several key conditions. Russia wants Ukraine to enshrine neutrality in its constitution, acknowledge Crimea as Russian, and recognize…

Ban on tech sales to Russia could spark global microchip war – expert

Major chip producers that join sanctions likely to face crucial parts shortage themselves The ban on technology exports to Russia, in response to the war in Ukraine, could backfire on global manufacturers of computer processors and semiconductors, as many crucial components for their production are made exclusively in Russia, an industry expert has warned.
