British Pound Likely to Head Lower, Strategist Borish Says

British Pound Likely to Head Lower, Strategist Borish Says

Jul.29 — On this edition of “Charting Futures,” Quad Group Chief Strategist Peter Borish examines the plunge in the British pound with Bloomberg’s Abigail Doolittle on “Bloomberg Markets: The Close.”


Static Method says:

Thank you stupid inbred Brits for being as inbred as your Monarchy. I’ve been betting against the pound and I’m making a killing

OldMonk says:

This good news, finally the leeches will leave the country.. Otherwise they will keep on sucking.

Scott Miller says:

Well,now all the exit without a deal news is factored in,lets get on with it.Low pound is good for British exporters!!Much like German exporters benefit and are tied to a relatively low Euro,as opposed to a,not good for exporters,high value German Mark.

FinanzFerdinand Beta says:

Europe is too fragmented with cultures and languages to become united. The whole concept is therefore completely flawed.

Gros Lait says:

Good job brexit

manny mo says:

Who cares the pound was down before I didn't notice goes up I didn't notice even recession I didn't notice, as I live and let live, only the idiot who wants and leaves by it notice at the end we all know it's just a gurney and we leave everything behind.

FuckILoveYouTubby says:

I’m so fucked off with this. Already lost 300k usd since 2016.

BcA - Biciclind cu Axel says:

Messing with Europe is never a good ideea but betraying Europe with a Scam like Brexit = Hell to come :)))

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